Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Monday, August 04, 2008

ISP filtering threat in Australia

I filled out this survey. This was my comment but I misread the character count as word count. 250 characters! Why didn't they just say 'We don't give a fuck what you think just answer the white washed, loaded questions."

Parents need to parent their own children instead of expecting the government to wrap them in cotton wool. If parents cannot supervise their children they shouldn't let them go online.

Teenagers are curious about sexual issues and parents shouldn't be so gutless about discussing sex. Is this an extension of America's atrocious abstinence only sex education which has snuck into NSW school system? The internet is a tool, not a baby-sitter.

If people want this kind of filtering they can do it to their own computers. If there was a big demand for this service surely an ISP would have offered it to gain commercial advantage.

I don't care if adults looking at adult content with their own computers in their own time. It is none of my business and it does me no harm. I, like Prof. Catherine Lumby, do not believe the claims that all adult material causes rape and child molestation. We have not seen rape increase at internet take-up rates. Correlation cannot even be show yet causality has been assumed.

The labour government promised to improve internet speeds, not use our limited bandwidth reducing the internet to an under 5 toy. This won't protect children, this will choke the internet to death. I didn't ask for this and I don't want or need it and I definitely didn't vote for it. This is a waste of time and money.

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Sean the Blogonaut

Thursday, June 12, 2008

IT Crowd

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Kiva made up this nice little banner. That is much easier than fiddling around doing it myself. This Kiva borrower is growing trees in a nursery... that's gotta be good.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008


We're watching Series One of Monkey. Fantastic!

This site has lots of quotes.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How much it cost to smoke.

I think a packet of cigarettes costs about AUD15. For the sake of arguement the borrowers would be a couple and, as non-smokers couldn't possibly live with smokers (my bias), let's assume that both borrowers smoke.
Daily cigarette cost each $15
Weekly: $105
Per four weeks: $420
For two people: $840
This gives a figure of $840 per month. Really the average calender month figure is (105*2)*52weeks/12months = $910 but $840 is a more concervative figure so we'll run with it.

Then it is easy enough to work back to the initial principal amount that will repay using my Texas Instruments BAII Plus Calculator.

Payment: -840/month
Interest Cycle: Monthly
Term: 20 years/240 months
Interest rate: 10% (this is a good average home loan rate)

This gives a principal value of $87,044. This is the initial face value of the loan... the amount you have to spend at funding.

So, you can smoke or pay off a home loan of $87k. Obviously, $87k would not buy a house. But it could let you extend or substantially improve a house or buy a bigger/better house.

So, the other way. What happens if you increase the repayments buy $840 per month?

Loan: $350k
Interest rate: 10%
Term: 20 years/240 months
This gives a repayment of $3377 per month.
Interest paid over the term of the loan: $460,616

If this is increased by $840 per month the term will be shortened and interest will be saved.

Loan: $350k
Interest Rate: 10%
Repayment: $4,217 per month

This gives a term of 142 months, less than 12 years.
Total interest is reduced to $247,838 a saving of $212,778.

It is not uncommon for people to start piling money into superannuation once the principle place of residence loan is repaid. With superannuation being a product that gives the best advantage the sooner you start, the saving in time is just as important as the saving of money. Future investment plans may be more along the line of an investment property. It doesn't matter which investment is more to your taste, starting sooner is advantageous.

The Commonwealth Bank has a loan calculator to run numbers. This calculator gives a yearly principal and interest

(Disclaimer: If you are taking advice from blogs you are a goose! Go see a financial planer if you want advice. I'm just running numbers not giving advice. I like numbers.) :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

If you sit by the river for long enough a stupid American will float by.

Friday, April 04, 2008

As far as I can see in this small image, the main problem with this fence is that it doesn't keep Americans in the USA... that really would make the world a better place.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

The Dutch town of Drachten has thrown away the traffic sigh.,1518,448747,00.html

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Youtube 2007 awards.
Illustrated bible stories.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Human Car

A human powered car capable of travelling at open road speeds for thinner Americans.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Phonix Trikes.

A video demonstrating the turning abilities of the Phonix Trike. These things are very cool looking. Really low!

Not sure if this Phoenix Trikes is the same company. They make VW based trikes similar to Bon Trikes.
Silence, the three wheeled electric car:

Killacycle cracks the 8 second mark:

Excellent weird pushbikes:



Probably more practicle:

The Chinese have adopted electric bikes in huge numbers. Local legislators tried to hold this movement down without success. When a tide of millions of people all move one way it is impossible to stop.

This video shows a conversion of an inexpencive mountain bike into a plug in hyrid.

And off I surf :)

What a picture. It warms my lefty heart to see Downer cross and powerless on the backbench.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just fun :D

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

If he's good enough for Amigos de Obama, he's good enough for me... but I don't get to vote... we get to fight in the wars America starts but don't get to vote out the governments that start them.

Original footage of the Hindenburg disaster.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Marina Camila Mijangos Garcia has repaid her loan so I can either withdraw the funds from my Kiva account or relend the money to another budding business person. This is fun!!

So, I'll go and look for someone...

It's easy:
1) Click on "Lend" from the above page.
2) Select any criteria you have. I prefer to lend to mothers rather than fathers cause mothers feed, clothe and educate children, and repay loans. Fathers can be less reliable.
3) Pick someone from the list. Vietnam is a country that deserves our help after we supported the USA in their pointless Vietnam War.
4) Check out their lender. Is their interest rate well below local unsecured lending rates so that my money gives good benefit? Is their repayment rate good so I know that people are learning how to run a good business that will support them and not just living off debt cycles using Kiva like a credit card?
5) If it still looks good, off I go.

Because I am relending the funds I don't need my credit card. The funds already in my Kiva account are sent out. Easy :)

I haven't found a way to make a donation to Kiva for this re-lend of the money. They didn't put a lot of pressure on me for a donation.

I chose Tran Thi Minh from Y Yen, Vietnam:

She is an experienced borrower. Her business is growing so her family's standard of living will be improving. The purpose is sustainable.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Curitiba, Brazil has shown the first world how to create a simple, efficient, environmentally friendly, people friendly, socially responcible city on a shoe string budget.

I first learnt of Jaime Lerner's design of Curitiba on SBS Australia's Dateline.

He has turned his back on urban planning habits favouring livable human cities with parklands, programs to get people out of poverty and inexpencive public transport.

Treehuggers article:
The bus system takes priority over cars. I would imagine that you wouldn't have to see many buses wiz by in their bus lane to get over the need to take your own car into the daily trafic jam. Having a huge, bi-articulated bus on a road with cars would be disasterous but in their bus lanes this would not be a problem.

Wikipedia Article

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Exhibit A

Iron of the Maiden

Iron Maiden shreds

Add to My Profile | More Videos

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Torn by Johan Lippowitz with Natalie Imbruglia

Friday, February 08, 2008

Thursday, February 07, 2008

It's definately better to comment on youtube videos on a blog than in the youtube site where the post size is limited and any comment just gets lost umungst the masses of other comments.

Anonomous have taken on a difficult task. It doesn't matter how many times a church is torn down it only reinforces the followers faith. You can't bring logic into the closed circular arguements offered by religion. There is a gap in the theist's brain that is filled by religion. Atheists are comfortable with this gap and don't yearn to fill it with nonsence. :P

This is an excellent video. The effect of having the monologue read by a computer is great. It sounds really menacing. Well done.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Calling Atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color.

Don Hirschberg

Don't label me with the shortcomings of your mind.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Dos and Don't with babies:
Cat Herding

Monday, January 21, 2008

EvilBible offers an outline of Hitler's Catholic upbringing and faith.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Richard Dawkins isn't just a keen athiest. Here he addresses on the strangeness of science:

Saturday, January 19, 2008

This guy has a huge mouth! There are lots of people putting them selves on youtube cause they can do odd things like this.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Some unprecedentedly stupid and disturbing statements by fundamentalist Christians (Fundies). Enjoy.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Monday, January 07, 2008

Pat Condell has lots of good videos.

Moral compass for atheists.