Monday, August 04, 2008

ISP filtering threat in Australia

I filled out this survey. This was my comment but I misread the character count as word count. 250 characters! Why didn't they just say 'We don't give a fuck what you think just answer the white washed, loaded questions."

Parents need to parent their own children instead of expecting the government to wrap them in cotton wool. If parents cannot supervise their children they shouldn't let them go online.

Teenagers are curious about sexual issues and parents shouldn't be so gutless about discussing sex. Is this an extension of America's atrocious abstinence only sex education which has snuck into NSW school system? The internet is a tool, not a baby-sitter.

If people want this kind of filtering they can do it to their own computers. If there was a big demand for this service surely an ISP would have offered it to gain commercial advantage.

I don't care if adults looking at adult content with their own computers in their own time. It is none of my business and it does me no harm. I, like Prof. Catherine Lumby, do not believe the claims that all adult material causes rape and child molestation. We have not seen rape increase at internet take-up rates. Correlation cannot even be show yet causality has been assumed.

The labour government promised to improve internet speeds, not use our limited bandwidth reducing the internet to an under 5 toy. This won't protect children, this will choke the internet to death. I didn't ask for this and I don't want or need it and I definitely didn't vote for it. This is a waste of time and money.

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