The neighbour attached me a while ago asking when I was going to offer myself to Jesus. My answer was that I'm probably never going to do that. My views as a firm atheist were dismissed out of hand resulting in me stating that I thought her religious beliefs are absurd. The whole thing! Sometimes I think it is just a joke then I meet someone who believes these fairy tales. I'm still just shaking my head.
Never discouraged, I think my neighbour is now deermined to see me born again. It would be useful to have me lobotomised first. She has lent me Tim LaHaye and Jerry B Jenkins' Left Behind. So far the book has accused the Russians of wanting to nuke Israel with the help of Ethiopia. WTF!
Then they went on about currency mergers. What is this obsession with the one world currency? The US want economic control of the whole world. Success there would be apocalyptic. We would all end up drowning in American lard.
Finally the plot got moving interupted only by a breif journey down computing's memory lane. As the title suggests, this is the world post Rapture. There is much talk of the world failing immediately but I can't help but think that the world would be a happy, peaceful place with the sudden disappearance of 75% of Americans. The endangered cheese burger tree would definately benefit. :))
I'll keep you updated as the adventure continues.
Hot on the heels of this less than pleasant interaction we were in Brisbane's Queen Street Mall and there was a group of zealots singing truely aweful songs about their love of Jesus, ironically accompanied by a 1 metre high poster of Jesus' face mid-crucifiction. Why are these idiots allowed to jam this rubbish down our throats in public? Isn't it bad enough that they waste good land with churchs? How much presence do they want in society?
Anywho, when they sang "Jesus is coming" or some such I yelled in my extra loud voice "No he's not". They sang something else to which I called "You Suck!" Obviously it was not witty but it felt fantastic!
For the religious right who might want to comment, Get Fucked!
Now, amuse yourselves with a new t-shirt.
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