Saturday, January 31, 2004

We want dumb stuff so we go to the Fark Photoshop Manager and we save some dumb images...
Well, I like pushbikes so any odd story involving a pushbike will end up here. This is a great site, imagine making your living and keeping fit at the same time instead of making your living then spending part of it to buy an exercise bike (the first sign of insanity).

Pointless but a bit of fun I s'pose:

I'm terza rima, and I talk and smile.
Where others lock their rhymes and thoughts away
I let mine out, and chatter all the while.

I'm rarely on my own - a wasted day
Is any day that's spent without a friend,
With nothing much to do or hear or say.

I like to be with people, and depend
On company for being entertained;
Which seems a good solution, in the end.
What Poetry Form Are You?


I'm the lai, with no sort
Of grave, solemn thought,
And I
Will never be caught
By miseries sought,
Nor sigh;
Where battles are fought
Or arguments brought,
I fly.
What Poetry Form Are You?
The cannibal gets 8 and a half years
Dory the fish saves the day...
USA making rocket science out of simple of tasks...

What's so bad about putting an X next to the candidate that you want to vote for? Why make everything simply complicated then make up a stupid acronym for it???

What's next? The automated hand rocket for kindergarten kids who need to lift their hand in class? (Who-ever patents the automated hand rocket for little fat kids owes me.)
Just created a restricted yahoo group (so I can't tell you its name). It really wasn't that easy, being the first time. I'm sure that next time I need to do it I'll have forgotten how.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Looking for information on Audioslave and stumbled across Axis of Justice.
Barry the builder who's build the house next door just told me a joke, so here it is:

Why did the Scotsman have blisters on his hand?
He's a tight fisted wanker.
Worms! Worms! Worms! Worms!
I've just been doing a bit of research to find out how to get the maggots out of my worm farm. Now I don't like having maggots in my worm farm, but I like my worm farm too much to just give up on it for the sake of a few maggots. This is the second time its been invaded by maggots. The first time I just went through the trays and got them out. Apparently, this is all you can do. I'm not gonna lie to you, it was a yucky job.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

I joined Kings of Chaos. It's confused the hell out of me. I tried to spy on someone but it didn't help. Now I think I'm supposed to get people to join my army. I can't imagine why anyone would want to join my army. I think I'll give up before it takes up my whole day.
So we all found Wally. Now we are going to use these new skills to find Jesus. :)

NB: Where's Jesus is a game, I haven't slipped in a quick conversion post - cause that would work! I am amazed at how well many of my fellow bloggers can cut and paste from one bible site or another and misinterpret all manner of bible snippets.
"Morgan Spurlock decided to become a gastronomical guinea pig..."

There is nothing I like more than someone sticking it to a multi-national company that destroys peoples lives by leveraging off their addictability (I think I just made up a new word).

I want to see this doco. I hope the girlfriend is in it looking like a disgusted vegan chef.

A predictive toast

In a world of impending totalitarianism and rampant conformity. Here is to dissent.

From Aster
A realistic game all about stopping the invasion of pop-ups if you stray onto the wrong site.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

I don't know why I'm interested in Kings of Chaos given that I have no real interest in games (Lemmings confuses me). I just really like the idea of a group of friends starting a game that is now totally out of control because the people playing it really like it instead of some advertising agency telling us to play something because... blah, blah, blah... and sexy woman no. 786950043a says she'll fall in love with you if... blah, blah, blah... so... drink coke at mcdonald, or something.

I just really hope it's not viral marketing. Boy that would make me look foolish... more so.

Hear endith the lesson. :))
Bush in 30 seconds. The ad you wont see during the CBS coverage of the Superbowl. George W called in a favour.
A blog of presidential haikus. I understand that the haiku form is more difficult to master in Japanese as it is not as flexible (hotch-potched) as English - or so I read on the back of a Weetbix box... ;)

And a picture of me at Azteca's Mexican Restaurant, Randwick, Sydney, Australia.

As you can see, I was very hungry. :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

So, back to my important work of laughing at junk like Really Useless Facts (be warned, it is one of the most difficult sites to read I've ever seen. Sure the twinkly star thing is nice to look at but it makes the yellow, yes yellow, text hard to read.)
So, I just tried to use blogjet to upload a post. Not overly successful I must say. But I'll give it another go. I didn't attach the picture correctly and managed to delete all the text doing it... Should really read those howtos, shouldn't I? :))
I have fond (though vague) memories of the cartoon dog called Muttley. My computer was doing something dumb and I was thinking of all the muttering noise that Muttley would make when he was in trouble in Wacky Races. This was what I was searching for when I found the previous post's DogCam site.
Muttley the Dog and his DogCam site.

Monday, January 26, 2004

Nothing new. The hoodia cactus could lighten the girth of many an American.
A new insight into Michael Jackson's home security system.
Base level motor racing reaches a new base with lawn mower racing.

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Mr Stabby strikes at Weebls-stuff again.
Weebl explains the french.
A Lawn Goose?? Why?? What a fine and useful item. So you take a mock concrete goose, dress it up as... something else... and... then what??
Any site that has ' Bizarre magazine said, "It would get an orgasm out of a stone!" ' just deserves a mention.
Iraqi continues to fly in the face of US 'intelligence' by having no WMD. It seems increasingly unlikely that they will ever comply with US intelligence reports.
Go and give Celebrity Morphing a go.
Trippy Mirror is very trippy, and is a mirror, so it is a very appropriately named site.

Friday, January 23, 2004

There are 2,500,000 rivets in the Eiffel Tower. There have been 200million visitors since it opened.
A Malaysian Man kills 1175 rats.
The great Ugg Boot debate goes on.
Weebl and Bob animations about... nothing in particular. Well worth a few downloads.

At this moment, on this day, my favorite comedy show is Black Books.
Lord of the Rings with all of the (very important) badger footage restored in keeping with JRR Tolkien's original concept.
The badgers aren't where they used to be...
Cute Little Kittens getting what they deserve from Mr Johnson
I want to hear from 10 competitors in the world rock paper scissors championships or I'm not going to believe it's real. This is my choice. I've made it. I want to believe.
Just when I thought it was safe to go online I found the Rockbitch site. Just the free section is fairly full of interesting facts. I wonder what's in there??
Mr Bean vs Mr T.
Before those all too slick music producers artists were allowed to decide on their own album art... big mistake.
I am so sure that this is going to work. Once you've had a pretend girlfriend all the girls will want you. This would save all that nasty effort and fool women into liking you. Great. Or grating. Another get rich quick scheme bites the dust.
A cautionary tale for the orangutan in all of us.
An interesting spin on funding cuts to MIT (boy, did they get into The Matrix Trilogy. It's make believe guys...)

Also: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger illustrating why it is so important to keep politicians away from polling booths while voters are trying to vote (actually, he's just saying that he thinks AI is a good thing... but my idea for a photo caption is funnier).

Nice Governor, Nice Lawyers.
This is a little disturbing. A pictorial history of USA lynchings.
Not for the faint hearted.

Who said that 'society was only ever three meals from revolution'? Besides the band Mind Gallery...

Email me...
The history of chocolate. Now you'll be able to impress everyone with your extensive knowledge of the history of chocolate and interesting modern research comparing chocolate's effects on the body to the effects of marijuana.

Bill Clinton could have honestly said he never inhaled if chocolate had have been his first choice... :))))
A computerized card game marginally more challenging than snap. Test your... speed against your... modem...
Tiny Tim is set to be the worlds smallest dog. His owner just hopes he doesn't grow.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Have you got too much time on your hands? Yatzee will rid you of all your nasty excess time.

This 80's music quiz on the other hand is valuable, important work.



Wednesday, January 21, 2004

A Canadian sticking it to Microsoft.
The words to BadgerBadgerBadger.
Now this is electronic music, except for badgers.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Candle trading page...
Alcoholic scorpion filled lollies for the person who has everything.
This site sounds so much more exciting than it turned out to be...
New year resolutions and awards of the year awards from a fellow blogger.
Police cartoons...
Trikes!!! I really like trikes.
I'm not overly fussed with the he said/she said Mars/Venus debate, but I didn't mind a couple of these jokes.

They seem reasonably clean. Decide for yourself.

Now this is the Catholic Church missing out on an opportunity to drag its sorry self up by the bootstraps.

Monday, January 19, 2004

I went to Unicorn Trading today. It was a bit boring to be honest. But that's the kind of boring stuff that I read all the time. That's why I never suffer from insomnia. :)
I've had a go at changing my template...
Can this be real?
Transcript of Queen Elizabeth II launch of,

'I name this blog 'bringmemylolly'. May God bless her and all who blog on her.'

She then waived a bit and smashed my computer with a bottle of champaign. What can you do? She's the Queen!
