Sunday, February 15, 2004

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Not sure where this is from but I enjoyed it.

By following the simple advice I read in an article, I have finally found inner peace........the article read:
"The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you've started." So I looked around the house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished...and before coming to work this morning I finished off a bottle of red wine, a bottle of white, the Bailey's, Kahlua and Wild Turkey, my Prozac, some valium, my cigarettes and a box of chocolates.
You have no idea how freakin good I feel....

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Some people aren't really going for the christianity thing, and in doing so, they're offending some stray christians. It's all good.
More fucked companies appearing daily.
Just when you start to think that there is no hope at all for the USA you find the American Atheists.
Bankers and accountants have been found to be the most likely to have erectile problems.
craniopagus parasiticus twin dies.

Monday, February 09, 2004

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Tips for ordering pizza.
Church Bulletin Bloopers
Some bint is sueing for being offended by Nipplegate. I hope Jackson's lawyers eat her alive.

Friday, February 06, 2004

Questions you'ld like an answer to.
go and spend the day here
Buffy episode guide.

An interesting animation that is not very complimentary of George W and a bit slow in the middle but worth sitting through.
Now this is a boob.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Some dumb stuff.
Help. My Husband's a sex maniac.
I've been cloned.
Camel toe.
From December 2002, but it only gets more and more relevant.

I decided to cut and paste it just in case SMH takes it down.


Person of the year: The Ordinary Australian

December 13, 2002

Most memorable person of 2002

by Jack Robertson

"Yester-year upon the screen,

I saw a man who's never been,

He'll never be again next year,

I wish to God he wasn't here."

The Webdiary Meeja Watch 'Most Memorable Person of the Year' for 2002 is the 'Ordinary Australian'. Particularly impressive was his natural ability to hold two deeply contradictory positions on any given issue, and strictly according to opportunistic political imperative. Highlights in 2002 which contributed to the Ordinary Australian's overwhelming win (a victory naturally ratified via a national-wide opinion poll), included:

1. Victims of Taliban Oppression. His capacity to cheer loudly while our brave soldiers liberated the victims of extreme political and economic oppression in Afghanistan - and simultaneously cheer loudly while our brave politicians locked up the escapees of that same extreme political and economic oppression here at home.

2. A helping hand. His extraordinary ability to get stuck in and lend the less fortunate a voluntary helping hand in times of bushfire, drought, terrorist atrocity and national emergency - and his resolute unwillingness to allow desperate men, women and children huddling in small, leaky boats even to alight on our mainland shores.

3. A Love of Australian History. His capacity to bask proudly in the warm glow of historical triumphs in which he played no personal part - Gallipoli, Tobruk, Kokoda, Long Tan - and his refusal even to reflect properly upon historical failures in which he played no personal part - White Australia, the 1975 East Timor invasion, the Stolen Generations.

4. Honesty, responsibility, mutual obligation. His tough but fair insistence that a man should work for his dole, follow the rules, take personal responsibility for his situation, pull his weight and not expect a free ride - and his tough but fair acceptance that staggering share bonus options, multi-million-dollar executive payouts from collapsing companies, inflated salaries and outright corporate fraud are 'natural' elements of our competitive economic system and must be left for the 'market' to eradicate in its own good time, if ever.

5. Sound global citizenship. His shrewd 'Everyman' rejection of flawed, corrupt and elitist international organizations, covenants and laws on refugees, the environment, arms control and human rights - and his shrewd 'Everyman' championing of fine, idealistic yet commonsensical international organizations, covenants and laws on economics, trade, Robert Mugabe, Iraq and the extradition of terrorist suspects.

6. Religion, the State, and the Separation of Powers. His avowed opposition to Islamic fundamentalist encroachments into the mechanisms of overseas governments, and to political interference with their judiciary by foreign dictators - and his firm support for religious 'conscience' votes in Australian Parliaments, a cleric as our Head of State, and increasing political undermining of the Australian Courts.

7. Our fine soldiers. His respect and support for our soldiers' courage, grit and professionalism - and his bored indifference to our turning of them into political pawns, and their subsequent exposure, undefended by their civilian masters, to darkening Senate committee and human rights organisation accusations.

8. Elitism. His grounded, egalitarian contempt for contemporary academic, literary, intellectual, artistic, media and political 'progressive elites' - and his pride in claiming Manning Clark, Patrick White, Doc Evatt, Sid Nolan, Keith Murdoch and Gough Whitlam as Great Australians of yesterday.

9. Mateship. His deep love of the principle of Australian mateship - and his growing hatred of anyone who lives within five miles of the CBD.

10. Poor fellow, my country. Above all things, his deep, instinctive, and unfailing sense of what exactly this slippery thing called 'Ordinary Australian-ness' actually is: 'Me' but not 'you'. 'Us' but not 'them'. Yesterday's reffo - but not today's. The Last Anzac - but not Tom Uren. Peter Allen - but not Bob Brown. John Howard the PM - but not John Howard the actor. Noel Pearson - but not Eddie Mabo. Working class kids like Bill Hayden and Mark Latham who support mandatory detention - but not working class kids like Bill Kelty and Neville Wran, who don't. Middle class kids like Piers Akerman and Miranda Devine who think Reconciliation is just another soppy left soapbox - but not middle class kids like David Marr and Robert Manne, who don't. Toffs like Alexander Downer who scoff at the UN as unrepresentative - but not toffs like Malcolm Fraser, who don't.

And so the lying, anonymous, manipulative poll results just keep rolling in, and the Parliamentary division bell rings and rings, and goes on splitting the 'elites' and the 'non-elites' apart, whatever the hell 'elite' even means, anymore.

And the only voter in the country for whom that bell is really tolling is the only one who never even existed at all: this curiously-contrary 'Ordinary Australian', AKA a condescending and cynical political fiction, AKA The Man Who Wasn't There Today, and doubtless won't be again, tomorrow.

The Most Memorable, Forgettable, Miserable Un-Person of the Shithouse Year of 2002.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Nipplegate! All of this moralizing is just making the offended noisy minority look more and more ridiculous.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

I just can't believe this crap. Football fans are rioting and killing each other, the Bush administration admits that they shouldn't be in Iraq, and Americans are still whinging and moaning about a BOOB!!

Families may have seen a boob!!! Breast feeding must be really difficult in these families. How do you breast feed without the child SEEING A BOOB!!!!????

Someone explain this to me, please.
Finally, the much publicized Homosexual Agenda is revealed.
How can people care his much about a boob?

You people just have to be kidding!!! Fuck!

"Children are watching..." Who cares!? They know more than you can imagine and aren't sure why adults are so secretive about it all. Have you ever tried to keep something a secret from a kid? It makes them twice as curious and determined to find out.

What is the point??


Shocked, hurt, betrayed.....

Fox News contributor and radio "personality" (if you expand the definition of "personality' to inlcude someone you've never heard of) Mike Gallagher is outraged and angry and even a little sad this morning about that "filthy display" last night:

The Super Bowl halftime show created the kind of rage and disgust in Middle America that was, I suppose, intended by those who staged the show. After all, when pop star Justin Timberlake pulled open singer Janet Jackson's top to expose her bare breast for the grand finale of the show, it was no accident. Teams of people had to be involved in the planning and execution of this single act of contempt for every man, woman and child who would find this crass and vulgar display offensive.
But strangely enough, I'm feeling another emotion besides anger. I feel overwhelmed by sadness at this most recent (and most prominent) example of the flush of our nation's cesspool we call prime-time entertainment. Sure, I was shocked and appalled by what these performers did. But I can't shake this pervasive feeling of sadness. So many people to feel sorry for, so much hurt and harm done by one tasteless, classless act on an international stage like halftime of the Super Bowl.

I feel sorry for Janet Jackson herself. One day she may have to describe to her grandchildren why she allowed herself to be treated like a second-rate whore in front of millions of people.

I feel sorry for Justin Timberlake. This simple, immature young man who was blessed with some marginal talent and great opportunities decided to go along with the plan to degrade and exploit the sexuality between a man and a woman in order to shock a worldwide audience full of impressionable children

I feel sorry for CBS-TV. An otherwise impeccable broadcast, complete with a down-to-the-wire finish between two fine football teams was forever tainted by the network's apparent desire to titillate and pander to the lowest common denominator.

Because, we all know, that the NFL would never pander to the lowest common denominator.

I feel sorry for parents all over the country who were sitting in front of the television with their young children. I think of proud dads watching the big game with their young sons for the first time and having to explain what happened.

...and then trying to coax those same sons out of the bathroom and , hey, what are you doing in there and why is the door locked?

posted by Tom at 8:32 AM

It's a shame that Janet Jackson didn't have that red bra on...
You don't have to be a screaming lefty to oppose Bush War II. Charles Goyette is a conservative that didn't see the reasoning either.
Janet's boob hasn't seen this much attention for a while.

The Concerned Women of America
expressed... concern... obviously.

Maybe the Concerned Women of America should concern themselves with their own affairs instead of trying to imprint their morality onto others, such as innocent e-delinquents such as myself.

And what have they done to this kid to make him look so upset?? Did they threaten to smash his turtle with a hammer?

Kiss dog.

Monday, February 02, 2004

Another article failing to report on all the fun of streaking.
Ben and Jen breakup news.
I tried to watch julius and friends. I've found some really funny, fun animations online but this was just sappy crap. Maybe it gets better but if I'd watched another second I'd have puked!
The only sensible choice for president is Ronnie James Dio.
Well, I couldn't play Pacman the first time and nothing's changed.
What kind of goose refers to Janet Jackson's boob being out as a 'Wardrobe Malfunction'. Has Justin Timberlake got a thesaurus stuck up his ass? The look on his face makes me think that Jackson's boob is going straight to the spank bank... LOL.

I'm not sure if anyone is aware of this but:

An article on Michael Moore in an Australian Newspaper.
Out in 'The World' (most Americans perhaps aren't aware that their country is only attached to the world, not the whole world) Mark Roberts is a very well known streaker.

'Now That's Sarcasm.' Homer Simpson

The world image is not mine and I don't know who owns it is so I can't give credit. Apologies to the artist. Try to take it as a compliment. I've been laughing about this for some time now.

This is too close to the truth for me. What else is in a hotdog? Not new but still laugh-worthy.
Will Bruce Willis save us? Will Aerosmith get the soundtrack or just one song? Will it be corny? Who'll save the world from the ASTEROID!!!??? It looks like a big nope from NEOP.

Panic away doomsdayers. You're about to meet your maker. Christians finally get to find out if the Jews were right.
I know I only cut and paste code into the html from the HaloScan site, but I DID IT!!!! I put comments on my blog!!! ME!! Me. ("){

Thanks to Ms Fizzle for doing before me.

George W wont like this but I do. When he can make his own blogs he can criticize me. (Yeah! George W could make a blog if he finds another 999 monkeys to type with him.)


As a means of explaining irony to Americans:
When I spell check my posts, Blogger's own spell checker picks up the word 'blogs'.
Now this is ironic. 'Rain on your wedding day' is not ironic. This is just a bit of bad luck.