Friday, December 17, 2004

The good folks at Angry Alien have just release a tribute to It's a Wonderful Life.
Don't forget to chip in a few bucks for bandwidth.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Did Hot Black Dessiatu's ship (that was so black) have a name?

Friday, December 10, 2004

Who am I quoting?
"To coldly place the pursuit of profit above all other considerations is to be indifferent to all notions of humanity."
My mother wrote this on a piece of paper and stuck it to the wall near the kitchen 20 years ago and I still remember it. Was it a quote or did she come up with it? :)

Thursday, December 09, 2004

JFK Reloaded:
What I really like about this game is that it has really upset plenty of Americans. With many of the top 50 scores being from Americans the public obviously is not nearly as offended as their representatives.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

An excellent sculpture.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Because everyone has time to kill, have a go at being God. Posted by Hello

Friday, October 08, 2004

This is my first picture post using Bloggerbot. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I always liked the magic eye stuff and I know 3D photography is nothing new but I liked these photos and here they are...

Monday, July 19, 2004

I like the badger.

Sensis! What a waste of time. Fancy dragging your sorry arses into the news and claiming that you are going to take Google on as the preferred search engine when you offer Australian only site searching. It's called the World Wide Web not the Xenophobic Narrow-minded Web.
This is a dumb idea and a waste of time... but, then... I suppose you were trying to attract users via television advertising (news-tainment in this case) so you have no real idea of what the internet is so you are probably trying to attract people who are similarly incapacitated.
Luke :))

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Alien has never been so fluffy.

Friday, June 25, 2004

"May I always be the kind of person my dog thinks I am"
And the Jive from "Flying High".
A couple of Jive translators:
to Jive up your life.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Monday, May 03, 2004

To the NSW police force:

What the hell are you doing? Footballers are thugs and rapists. Sometimes they vent their aggression on the field. Some of them don't get it all out.

Talk to them for 10 seconds. They have little respect for women and believe that might is right.

Why are you letting these idiots off? These are male role models and should be punished heavily to set an example. Young male people are learning that pack rape is acceptable and that women want pack rape.

8 professional footballers rape a woman and you just walk away her, just like so many women are walked away from all the time.

Check out the Four Corners site.

Angry about this!


Thursday, April 29, 2004

The Ford SportKa Cat Commercial. I really liked these ads. I don't like cats at all, or cat owners particularly.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Another quiz... The picture didn't work but it doesn't matter. I'm sure you have an idea as to what a dragon looks like.
Dragon Banner
You're a dragon. You're smart and cunning, and
enjoy taking risks. Your need for independence
is an advantage, but sometimes it alienates you
from others. As far as *good* and *evil*,
you're pretty neutral--but you may have
something of a wicked streak.

What mythical beast are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Sniffies! I like dog cam and these guys are obsessed.

Monday, April 19, 2004

Photoshop page with lots of clever images...

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

I haven't really worked out what my stumble upon web site is for yet.
This one is definitely a bit of viral marketing, but at least burger king has made something fun with their Subservient Chicken

I adopted a cute lil' fairy fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

If everything is pierced and you just can't get enough body decorations, why not get some eye jewellery installed. I'm not spelling jewellery 'jewelry', that's not the way the Queen spells it, and she did launch this blog.
Lego Porn.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

A quick guide to bogus science.
I just fallen into a patch of interesting things here!
Wow! This is just amazing! If you ever felt like you had nothing in common with your neighbours - this will set you straight.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Fun and Games.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Porn videos for women.
It's been a while! I've been fixing the backyard up after a concrete slab was laid while we were on holidays.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Thursday, March 11, 2004

This'll get your brain working.

Monday, March 08, 2004

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Not sure where this is from but I enjoyed it.

By following the simple advice I read in an article, I have finally found inner peace........the article read:
"The way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you've started." So I looked around the house to see all the things I started and hadn't finished...and before coming to work this morning I finished off a bottle of red wine, a bottle of white, the Bailey's, Kahlua and Wild Turkey, my Prozac, some valium, my cigarettes and a box of chocolates.
You have no idea how freakin good I feel....

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Some people aren't really going for the christianity thing, and in doing so, they're offending some stray christians. It's all good.
More fucked companies appearing daily.
Just when you start to think that there is no hope at all for the USA you find the American Atheists.
Bankers and accountants have been found to be the most likely to have erectile problems.
craniopagus parasiticus twin dies.

Monday, February 09, 2004

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Tips for ordering pizza.
Church Bulletin Bloopers
Some bint is sueing for being offended by Nipplegate. I hope Jackson's lawyers eat her alive.

Friday, February 06, 2004

Questions you'ld like an answer to.
go and spend the day here
Buffy episode guide.

An interesting animation that is not very complimentary of George W and a bit slow in the middle but worth sitting through.
Now this is a boob.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Some dumb stuff.
Help. My Husband's a sex maniac.
I've been cloned.
Camel toe.
From December 2002, but it only gets more and more relevant.

I decided to cut and paste it just in case SMH takes it down.


Person of the year: The Ordinary Australian

December 13, 2002

Most memorable person of 2002

by Jack Robertson

"Yester-year upon the screen,

I saw a man who's never been,

He'll never be again next year,

I wish to God he wasn't here."

The Webdiary Meeja Watch 'Most Memorable Person of the Year' for 2002 is the 'Ordinary Australian'. Particularly impressive was his natural ability to hold two deeply contradictory positions on any given issue, and strictly according to opportunistic political imperative. Highlights in 2002 which contributed to the Ordinary Australian's overwhelming win (a victory naturally ratified via a national-wide opinion poll), included:

1. Victims of Taliban Oppression. His capacity to cheer loudly while our brave soldiers liberated the victims of extreme political and economic oppression in Afghanistan - and simultaneously cheer loudly while our brave politicians locked up the escapees of that same extreme political and economic oppression here at home.

2. A helping hand. His extraordinary ability to get stuck in and lend the less fortunate a voluntary helping hand in times of bushfire, drought, terrorist atrocity and national emergency - and his resolute unwillingness to allow desperate men, women and children huddling in small, leaky boats even to alight on our mainland shores.

3. A Love of Australian History. His capacity to bask proudly in the warm glow of historical triumphs in which he played no personal part - Gallipoli, Tobruk, Kokoda, Long Tan - and his refusal even to reflect properly upon historical failures in which he played no personal part - White Australia, the 1975 East Timor invasion, the Stolen Generations.

4. Honesty, responsibility, mutual obligation. His tough but fair insistence that a man should work for his dole, follow the rules, take personal responsibility for his situation, pull his weight and not expect a free ride - and his tough but fair acceptance that staggering share bonus options, multi-million-dollar executive payouts from collapsing companies, inflated salaries and outright corporate fraud are 'natural' elements of our competitive economic system and must be left for the 'market' to eradicate in its own good time, if ever.

5. Sound global citizenship. His shrewd 'Everyman' rejection of flawed, corrupt and elitist international organizations, covenants and laws on refugees, the environment, arms control and human rights - and his shrewd 'Everyman' championing of fine, idealistic yet commonsensical international organizations, covenants and laws on economics, trade, Robert Mugabe, Iraq and the extradition of terrorist suspects.

6. Religion, the State, and the Separation of Powers. His avowed opposition to Islamic fundamentalist encroachments into the mechanisms of overseas governments, and to political interference with their judiciary by foreign dictators - and his firm support for religious 'conscience' votes in Australian Parliaments, a cleric as our Head of State, and increasing political undermining of the Australian Courts.

7. Our fine soldiers. His respect and support for our soldiers' courage, grit and professionalism - and his bored indifference to our turning of them into political pawns, and their subsequent exposure, undefended by their civilian masters, to darkening Senate committee and human rights organisation accusations.

8. Elitism. His grounded, egalitarian contempt for contemporary academic, literary, intellectual, artistic, media and political 'progressive elites' - and his pride in claiming Manning Clark, Patrick White, Doc Evatt, Sid Nolan, Keith Murdoch and Gough Whitlam as Great Australians of yesterday.

9. Mateship. His deep love of the principle of Australian mateship - and his growing hatred of anyone who lives within five miles of the CBD.

10. Poor fellow, my country. Above all things, his deep, instinctive, and unfailing sense of what exactly this slippery thing called 'Ordinary Australian-ness' actually is: 'Me' but not 'you'. 'Us' but not 'them'. Yesterday's reffo - but not today's. The Last Anzac - but not Tom Uren. Peter Allen - but not Bob Brown. John Howard the PM - but not John Howard the actor. Noel Pearson - but not Eddie Mabo. Working class kids like Bill Hayden and Mark Latham who support mandatory detention - but not working class kids like Bill Kelty and Neville Wran, who don't. Middle class kids like Piers Akerman and Miranda Devine who think Reconciliation is just another soppy left soapbox - but not middle class kids like David Marr and Robert Manne, who don't. Toffs like Alexander Downer who scoff at the UN as unrepresentative - but not toffs like Malcolm Fraser, who don't.

And so the lying, anonymous, manipulative poll results just keep rolling in, and the Parliamentary division bell rings and rings, and goes on splitting the 'elites' and the 'non-elites' apart, whatever the hell 'elite' even means, anymore.

And the only voter in the country for whom that bell is really tolling is the only one who never even existed at all: this curiously-contrary 'Ordinary Australian', AKA a condescending and cynical political fiction, AKA The Man Who Wasn't There Today, and doubtless won't be again, tomorrow.

The Most Memorable, Forgettable, Miserable Un-Person of the Shithouse Year of 2002.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Nipplegate! All of this moralizing is just making the offended noisy minority look more and more ridiculous.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

I just can't believe this crap. Football fans are rioting and killing each other, the Bush administration admits that they shouldn't be in Iraq, and Americans are still whinging and moaning about a BOOB!!

Families may have seen a boob!!! Breast feeding must be really difficult in these families. How do you breast feed without the child SEEING A BOOB!!!!????

Someone explain this to me, please.
Finally, the much publicized Homosexual Agenda is revealed.
How can people care his much about a boob?

You people just have to be kidding!!! Fuck!

"Children are watching..." Who cares!? They know more than you can imagine and aren't sure why adults are so secretive about it all. Have you ever tried to keep something a secret from a kid? It makes them twice as curious and determined to find out.

What is the point??


Shocked, hurt, betrayed.....

Fox News contributor and radio "personality" (if you expand the definition of "personality' to inlcude someone you've never heard of) Mike Gallagher is outraged and angry and even a little sad this morning about that "filthy display" last night:

The Super Bowl halftime show created the kind of rage and disgust in Middle America that was, I suppose, intended by those who staged the show. After all, when pop star Justin Timberlake pulled open singer Janet Jackson's top to expose her bare breast for the grand finale of the show, it was no accident. Teams of people had to be involved in the planning and execution of this single act of contempt for every man, woman and child who would find this crass and vulgar display offensive.
But strangely enough, I'm feeling another emotion besides anger. I feel overwhelmed by sadness at this most recent (and most prominent) example of the flush of our nation's cesspool we call prime-time entertainment. Sure, I was shocked and appalled by what these performers did. But I can't shake this pervasive feeling of sadness. So many people to feel sorry for, so much hurt and harm done by one tasteless, classless act on an international stage like halftime of the Super Bowl.

I feel sorry for Janet Jackson herself. One day she may have to describe to her grandchildren why she allowed herself to be treated like a second-rate whore in front of millions of people.

I feel sorry for Justin Timberlake. This simple, immature young man who was blessed with some marginal talent and great opportunities decided to go along with the plan to degrade and exploit the sexuality between a man and a woman in order to shock a worldwide audience full of impressionable children

I feel sorry for CBS-TV. An otherwise impeccable broadcast, complete with a down-to-the-wire finish between two fine football teams was forever tainted by the network's apparent desire to titillate and pander to the lowest common denominator.

Because, we all know, that the NFL would never pander to the lowest common denominator.

I feel sorry for parents all over the country who were sitting in front of the television with their young children. I think of proud dads watching the big game with their young sons for the first time and having to explain what happened.

...and then trying to coax those same sons out of the bathroom and , hey, what are you doing in there and why is the door locked?

posted by Tom at 8:32 AM

It's a shame that Janet Jackson didn't have that red bra on...
You don't have to be a screaming lefty to oppose Bush War II. Charles Goyette is a conservative that didn't see the reasoning either.
Janet's boob hasn't seen this much attention for a while.

The Concerned Women of America
expressed... concern... obviously.

Maybe the Concerned Women of America should concern themselves with their own affairs instead of trying to imprint their morality onto others, such as innocent e-delinquents such as myself.

And what have they done to this kid to make him look so upset?? Did they threaten to smash his turtle with a hammer?

Kiss dog.

Monday, February 02, 2004

Another article failing to report on all the fun of streaking.
Ben and Jen breakup news.
I tried to watch julius and friends. I've found some really funny, fun animations online but this was just sappy crap. Maybe it gets better but if I'd watched another second I'd have puked!
The only sensible choice for president is Ronnie James Dio.
Well, I couldn't play Pacman the first time and nothing's changed.
What kind of goose refers to Janet Jackson's boob being out as a 'Wardrobe Malfunction'. Has Justin Timberlake got a thesaurus stuck up his ass? The look on his face makes me think that Jackson's boob is going straight to the spank bank... LOL.

I'm not sure if anyone is aware of this but:

An article on Michael Moore in an Australian Newspaper.
Out in 'The World' (most Americans perhaps aren't aware that their country is only attached to the world, not the whole world) Mark Roberts is a very well known streaker.

'Now That's Sarcasm.' Homer Simpson

The world image is not mine and I don't know who owns it is so I can't give credit. Apologies to the artist. Try to take it as a compliment. I've been laughing about this for some time now.

This is too close to the truth for me. What else is in a hotdog? Not new but still laugh-worthy.
Will Bruce Willis save us? Will Aerosmith get the soundtrack or just one song? Will it be corny? Who'll save the world from the ASTEROID!!!??? It looks like a big nope from NEOP.

Panic away doomsdayers. You're about to meet your maker. Christians finally get to find out if the Jews were right.
I know I only cut and paste code into the html from the HaloScan site, but I DID IT!!!! I put comments on my blog!!! ME!! Me. ("){

Thanks to Ms Fizzle for doing before me.

George W wont like this but I do. When he can make his own blogs he can criticize me. (Yeah! George W could make a blog if he finds another 999 monkeys to type with him.)


As a means of explaining irony to Americans:
When I spell check my posts, Blogger's own spell checker picks up the word 'blogs'.
Now this is ironic. 'Rain on your wedding day' is not ironic. This is just a bit of bad luck.

Saturday, January 31, 2004

We want dumb stuff so we go to the Fark Photoshop Manager and we save some dumb images...
Well, I like pushbikes so any odd story involving a pushbike will end up here. This is a great site, imagine making your living and keeping fit at the same time instead of making your living then spending part of it to buy an exercise bike (the first sign of insanity).

Pointless but a bit of fun I s'pose:

I'm terza rima, and I talk and smile.
Where others lock their rhymes and thoughts away
I let mine out, and chatter all the while.

I'm rarely on my own - a wasted day
Is any day that's spent without a friend,
With nothing much to do or hear or say.

I like to be with people, and depend
On company for being entertained;
Which seems a good solution, in the end.
What Poetry Form Are You?


I'm the lai, with no sort
Of grave, solemn thought,
And I
Will never be caught
By miseries sought,
Nor sigh;
Where battles are fought
Or arguments brought,
I fly.
What Poetry Form Are You?
The cannibal gets 8 and a half years
Dory the fish saves the day...
USA making rocket science out of simple of tasks...

What's so bad about putting an X next to the candidate that you want to vote for? Why make everything simply complicated then make up a stupid acronym for it???

What's next? The automated hand rocket for kindergarten kids who need to lift their hand in class? (Who-ever patents the automated hand rocket for little fat kids owes me.)
Just created a restricted yahoo group (so I can't tell you its name). It really wasn't that easy, being the first time. I'm sure that next time I need to do it I'll have forgotten how.

Friday, January 30, 2004

Looking for information on Audioslave and stumbled across Axis of Justice.
Barry the builder who's build the house next door just told me a joke, so here it is:

Why did the Scotsman have blisters on his hand?
He's a tight fisted wanker.
Worms! Worms! Worms! Worms!
I've just been doing a bit of research to find out how to get the maggots out of my worm farm. Now I don't like having maggots in my worm farm, but I like my worm farm too much to just give up on it for the sake of a few maggots. This is the second time its been invaded by maggots. The first time I just went through the trays and got them out. Apparently, this is all you can do. I'm not gonna lie to you, it was a yucky job.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

I joined Kings of Chaos. It's confused the hell out of me. I tried to spy on someone but it didn't help. Now I think I'm supposed to get people to join my army. I can't imagine why anyone would want to join my army. I think I'll give up before it takes up my whole day.
So we all found Wally. Now we are going to use these new skills to find Jesus. :)

NB: Where's Jesus is a game, I haven't slipped in a quick conversion post - cause that would work! I am amazed at how well many of my fellow bloggers can cut and paste from one bible site or another and misinterpret all manner of bible snippets.
"Morgan Spurlock decided to become a gastronomical guinea pig..."

There is nothing I like more than someone sticking it to a multi-national company that destroys peoples lives by leveraging off their addictability (I think I just made up a new word).

I want to see this doco. I hope the girlfriend is in it looking like a disgusted vegan chef.

A predictive toast

In a world of impending totalitarianism and rampant conformity. Here is to dissent.

From Aster
A realistic game all about stopping the invasion of pop-ups if you stray onto the wrong site.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

I don't know why I'm interested in Kings of Chaos given that I have no real interest in games (Lemmings confuses me). I just really like the idea of a group of friends starting a game that is now totally out of control because the people playing it really like it instead of some advertising agency telling us to play something because... blah, blah, blah... and sexy woman no. 786950043a says she'll fall in love with you if... blah, blah, blah... so... drink coke at mcdonald, or something.

I just really hope it's not viral marketing. Boy that would make me look foolish... more so.

Hear endith the lesson. :))
Bush in 30 seconds. The ad you wont see during the CBS coverage of the Superbowl. George W called in a favour.
A blog of presidential haikus. I understand that the haiku form is more difficult to master in Japanese as it is not as flexible (hotch-potched) as English - or so I read on the back of a Weetbix box... ;)

And a picture of me at Azteca's Mexican Restaurant, Randwick, Sydney, Australia.

As you can see, I was very hungry. :)

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

So, back to my important work of laughing at junk like Really Useless Facts (be warned, it is one of the most difficult sites to read I've ever seen. Sure the twinkly star thing is nice to look at but it makes the yellow, yes yellow, text hard to read.)
So, I just tried to use blogjet to upload a post. Not overly successful I must say. But I'll give it another go. I didn't attach the picture correctly and managed to delete all the text doing it... Should really read those howtos, shouldn't I? :))
I have fond (though vague) memories of the cartoon dog called Muttley. My computer was doing something dumb and I was thinking of all the muttering noise that Muttley would make when he was in trouble in Wacky Races. This was what I was searching for when I found the previous post's DogCam site.
Muttley the Dog and his DogCam site.

Monday, January 26, 2004

Nothing new. The hoodia cactus could lighten the girth of many an American.
A new insight into Michael Jackson's home security system.
Base level motor racing reaches a new base with lawn mower racing.

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Mr Stabby strikes at Weebls-stuff again.
Weebl explains the french.
A Lawn Goose?? Why?? What a fine and useful item. So you take a mock concrete goose, dress it up as... something else... and... then what??
Any site that has ' Bizarre magazine said, "It would get an orgasm out of a stone!" ' just deserves a mention.
Iraqi continues to fly in the face of US 'intelligence' by having no WMD. It seems increasingly unlikely that they will ever comply with US intelligence reports.
Go and give Celebrity Morphing a go.
Trippy Mirror is very trippy, and is a mirror, so it is a very appropriately named site.

Friday, January 23, 2004

There are 2,500,000 rivets in the Eiffel Tower. There have been 200million visitors since it opened.
A Malaysian Man kills 1175 rats.
The great Ugg Boot debate goes on.
Weebl and Bob animations about... nothing in particular. Well worth a few downloads.

At this moment, on this day, my favorite comedy show is Black Books.
Lord of the Rings with all of the (very important) badger footage restored in keeping with JRR Tolkien's original concept.
The badgers aren't where they used to be...
Cute Little Kittens getting what they deserve from Mr Johnson
I want to hear from 10 competitors in the world rock paper scissors championships or I'm not going to believe it's real. This is my choice. I've made it. I want to believe.
Just when I thought it was safe to go online I found the Rockbitch site. Just the free section is fairly full of interesting facts. I wonder what's in there??
Mr Bean vs Mr T.
Before those all too slick music producers artists were allowed to decide on their own album art... big mistake.
I am so sure that this is going to work. Once you've had a pretend girlfriend all the girls will want you. This would save all that nasty effort and fool women into liking you. Great. Or grating. Another get rich quick scheme bites the dust.
A cautionary tale for the orangutan in all of us.
An interesting spin on funding cuts to MIT (boy, did they get into The Matrix Trilogy. It's make believe guys...)

Also: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger illustrating why it is so important to keep politicians away from polling booths while voters are trying to vote (actually, he's just saying that he thinks AI is a good thing... but my idea for a photo caption is funnier).

Nice Governor, Nice Lawyers.
This is a little disturbing. A pictorial history of USA lynchings.
Not for the faint hearted.

Who said that 'society was only ever three meals from revolution'? Besides the band Mind Gallery...

Email me...
The history of chocolate. Now you'll be able to impress everyone with your extensive knowledge of the history of chocolate and interesting modern research comparing chocolate's effects on the body to the effects of marijuana.

Bill Clinton could have honestly said he never inhaled if chocolate had have been his first choice... :))))
A computerized card game marginally more challenging than snap. Test your... speed against your... modem...
Tiny Tim is set to be the worlds smallest dog. His owner just hopes he doesn't grow.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Have you got too much time on your hands? Yatzee will rid you of all your nasty excess time.

This 80's music quiz on the other hand is valuable, important work.



Wednesday, January 21, 2004

A Canadian sticking it to Microsoft.
The words to BadgerBadgerBadger.
Now this is electronic music, except for badgers.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Candle trading page...
Alcoholic scorpion filled lollies for the person who has everything.
This site sounds so much more exciting than it turned out to be...
New year resolutions and awards of the year awards from a fellow blogger.
Police cartoons...
Trikes!!! I really like trikes.
I'm not overly fussed with the he said/she said Mars/Venus debate, but I didn't mind a couple of these jokes.

They seem reasonably clean. Decide for yourself.

Now this is the Catholic Church missing out on an opportunity to drag its sorry self up by the bootstraps.

Monday, January 19, 2004

I went to Unicorn Trading today. It was a bit boring to be honest. But that's the kind of boring stuff that I read all the time. That's why I never suffer from insomnia. :)
I've had a go at changing my template...
Can this be real?
Transcript of Queen Elizabeth II launch of,

'I name this blog 'bringmemylolly'. May God bless her and all who blog on her.'

She then waived a bit and smashed my computer with a bottle of champaign. What can you do? She's the Queen!
